Wednesday, November 29, 2006

System Of a Down

System of to Down is an Alternative Metal band, of Armenian ancestry, formed in Los Angeles, in the year 1994 . Formed by Serj Tankian (voice) and Daron Malakian (guitar/voice), Shavo Odadjian (under) and John Dolmayan (battery). In its five discs published to the date, they reflect an explosive, ferocious and volatile dynamics musical, besides to have political influences that are reflected in their speeches against the American system, the social unconsciousness or the abuse authority. This social and musical formula has carried to him from the launching of its first album, in 1998, good results as much of the public, that platinum disc did of “System of to Down”, like of a part of the musical critic, that affirms that System of to Down “does not fit within the coat of the Nu metal”.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

ReSuMe Of The WeeK (23NoV)

C10-> this week they have given the result us of the examination of the last week, and removed 5.4, is not the best note, but he is approving.
C3-> in this week like is habitual, we have continued reviewing the subject of Word, Jr to said that soon we will begin excel, so I wait for it.
C5-> this week we have corrected the examination that we did the week spent, that and suspended xD
C2-> this week we have begun practices of the hard disk, that not yet I have finalized, but at the moment the week this passing correctly.
C8->this week we have learned to make several actions in the MSDOS, very has been amused.
CA->we have continued making programs, is a class very practices, the short while goes and much is learned.
C11->it is a class that does not amuse much to me, but it does not bore to me either, so not this nothing badly.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Of Real Madrid Until The Death!!!

At the end of century XIX, soccer was a new sport that slowly broke through in Spain. In those years, in Madrid there was only a club of soccer, the Foot-Ball Sky and a group of those enthusiastic ones of the new sport decides to separate of the Sky and to found a new club on 1897 to which they called Madrid FOOT-BALL CLUB. These pioneers were the gentlemen Palaces, Gorostizaga, Mendía, Padrós, Meléndez, Neyra, East etc. club had like impeller to Don Julian Palaces. Taking advantage of any open of terrain, with rudimentary equipaciones paid for by each one of them, these men put the first stone of which today it is the GREATEST CLUB OF HISTORY.

What is Modding?

Modding consists of the aesthetic or functional modification of any thing (software including). Nevertheless, the word modding usually is used frequently for the modifications made to a computer or to something related to him, like they are peripheral, accessory and the even movable ones who surrounds it.

ReSuMe Of ThE WeeK (14NoV)

C10-> In this week, they have given the results us of the old examination, that has gone to me enough or, I have removed 5.9, xD goes profit, and we have done other that has gone to me enough or also, however, it has been a bad week!!
C3-> As always I say in this subjet, I have learned much, this week we have learned to send ordered correspondence i without failures, professor JR very is coiled and he explains it very well.
C5-> Today same we have an examination of this subjet, to aver that so jeje goes to us, but good we have been reviewing much TCP/IP i other subjects related to this.
C2->Professor Mariano explains the class well, but you accustom dictates too much quickly and there is no time to write -. -, by the others the week to worked normally.
C8->Operating systems… I have myself in the morning been until the 6 passing notes and studying, so I believe that the examination to gone enough good within my possibilities, now I need to sleep zZzZZZzzZZ...
CA->Tomorrow there is examination, so there am to study...
C11->Friday there is examination, although it is a subjet that I do not like much, will study…

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Resume Of Week (08 Nov)

C10 -> From course principle, I think, that the level of English is very low, and ground to become bored in class, by the others I understand the concepts. I do not like that they confuse to me with Rafa Parra.
C3 ->It is a very didactic class, in which, I learn many thanks to professor “J.R” that explains it very well, this week I have learned very useful concepts of Word.
C5->It is a class in which it costs to me to learn but this week I have understood certain concepts that do not I really understand, that there am to make an effort to me but, not only in class, if not also in house.
C2->It is a subjet that I understand enough or, not only by the concepts that are easy to understand, but also because teacher , Mariano, explain it very good , this week we have studied sound cards, thing that interests much to me, because I am thinking about buying one to me.
C8->A subjet that costs to understand to me, we have finalized the MSDOS subject, that he is interesting, but that to not to have studied, thing of the qual I regret, I have suspended the examination.
CA->This week in programming we have continued doing pseudocodi, that is something that costs to me, but in Visual BASIC we have made several programs that I have liked much to do.
C11->We have made tests psychotechnological and this week we will make the examination, to look that so it goes to me