Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ReSuMe Of ThE WeeK (14NoV)

C10-> In this week, they have given the results us of the old examination, that has gone to me enough or, I have removed 5.9, xD goes profit, and we have done other that has gone to me enough or also, however, it has been a bad week!!
C3-> As always I say in this subjet, I have learned much, this week we have learned to send ordered correspondence i without failures, professor JR very is coiled and he explains it very well.
C5-> Today same we have an examination of this subjet, to aver that so jeje goes to us, but good we have been reviewing much TCP/IP i other subjects related to this.
C2->Professor Mariano explains the class well, but you accustom dictates too much quickly and there is no time to write -. -, by the others the week to worked normally.
C8->Operating systems… I have myself in the morning been until the 6 passing notes and studying, so I believe that the examination to gone enough good within my possibilities, now I need to sleep zZzZZZzzZZ...
CA->Tomorrow there is examination, so there am to study...
C11->Friday there is examination, although it is a subjet that I do not like much, will study…


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